2016+ ATS-V (LF4) Packages

Congrats! You've found yourself behind the wheel of the Cadillac ATS V - one of the greatest power platforms to come out of GM. Although the ATS Vs are brand new and the LF4 power plant is as well, it's based on the LF3 engine and we have been doing a lot of research as well as having experience dating over a decade back to another 3.6L twin turbo DOHC power house. So, the built LF4 engine is right up our alley!
The ATS V dynos much higher than most expect right off the showroom floor with the average dyno showing only a 7-8% drivetrain loss on average, even through the 8 speed transmission. The 8 speed on other platforms usually results in a 14-15% drivetrain loss, which despite SAE ratings leads us to believe the ATS V is grossly under-rated by over 50hp! What is more surprising is how much is left on the table to increase the boost!
Whether you're brand new to a turbo car or a seasoned veteran looking to turn up the power, this is the section for you! We have staged HP packages from beginner to heavily modded, 2 track packages, and also a drag strip packages.
These packages are just staged to help you reach certain power levels for street or drag racing as well as track racing. We of course can work out custom packages as well, so feel free to call or email us at sales@weapon-x.com
Weapon X Motorsports is your go-to #1 vendor for the Cadillac V Series aftermarket and we were at the top of the ATS V order list to dive into production on our extensive list of mods to make the Cadillac ownership experience your own! Our reputation for quality and service in the Cadillac market is unprecedented!
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