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If you find yourself asking "I wonder what a little extra would feel like?", then this is a nice introductory package to satisfy your curiosity and no tune is required.
This simple package is the perfect introduction to increasing the LF4's performance with about a 5-10% HP increase from stock; however, this package will keep your V cooler which means you make max HP all of the time... not just till it's gotten heat soaked. It addresses a few basic needs: less restrictive incoming air, more air making it into the manifold (not leaking out of the BOVs), and eliminating the heat transfer from the hot cylinder heads to the manifold.
- WXM Dry Intake Filters
- Blow Off Valves - can be 100% reciruclated like OEM, 50% to the atmosphere, or 100% to the atmosphere (with tuning required)
- WXM Manifold Spacer - reduces the heat transfer from the cylinder heads to the manifold where the intercooler bricks are
- Triple XXX Heat Exchanger system
- Basic Instructions for installation of parts for your shop or you DIY guys.
- Recommended installer/tuner in our network to dial in your mods if you don't have a preferred one on your own.
- WEAPON-X t shirt - please list your size in the notes when ordering.
(Per Heat Exchanger) The manufacturer is in the process of moving to a bigger facility which has caused delays in manufacturing. They are working their best to resume production to get open orders out as quickly as possible.